preeflow donates to the project “treeflow” for Christmas

The treeflow spruce seedlings from the preeflow advertising campaign have meanwhile been “released”.
Christmas time is time for donations – this is also the principle of preeflow. Every year at Christmas, preeflow donates to a charitable organization. This year, the “treeflow” project was chosen. For each preeflow dispenser sold in 2017, one euro was donated to Fairventures worldwide gGmbH. With the “treeflow” campaign, preeflow is helping to improve the livelihoods of the rural population in Borneo and to protect local rainforest resources.
Almost 5,000 euros were collected as part of the fundraising campaign. 5,000 euros to help achieve the goal of reforesting 1 million trees in central Borno. More information about the organization and the “treeflow” project can be found here: and
Who receives the Christmas donation from preeflow is decided each year anew. This gives both regional and national organizations the opportunity to receive financial support from preeflow next year.