socialflow – social projects
Donations instead of presents for customers
Overview of our projects

preeflow Christmas Donation 2021 for the BRK Kreisverband Mühldorf
2.000 € for social projects and the Youth Red Cross.
"It is a special concern of ours to support people who have been particularly affected by the pandemic". says Thomas Diringer, Business Unit Manager preeflow at ViscoTec in Töging. And that is why the goal of this year's Christmas donation of the preeflow brand is the BRK Kreisverband Mühldorf.
On December 2, 2021, Tanja Maier, BRK Kreisgeschäftsführerin, accepted the symbolic check from Thomas Diringer. And in order to fulfill the donors' wishes, the donation will be divided into two different areas in the BRK Kreisverband Mühldorf. On the one hand, it will benefit the Youth Red Cross (JRK) and on the other hand, the Red Cross stores.
For the children and young people in the JRK, the community is in the foreground. However, joint activities also need to be financed. So, it is all the nicer that now, for example, the next excursion and the handicraft activity in the group lesson are already financed and the kids can escape the whole "Corona madness" at least for some time.
In the Red Cross stores, the donation will be used to buy food and toys. Many families are experiencing financial hardship due to the pandemic and rely on shopping at very reasonable prices. Necessity is a burden all year round, but especially at Christmas time, people who are financially worse off would like to give their loved ones some joy with a good meal or a small gift for the children. preeflow by ViscoTec helps to fulfill this wish.

The Seraphisches Liebeswerk Foundation in Altötting (SLW) - Our 2020 project!
Investing in the future of children with your purchase.
In 2020 we supported the Seraphisches Liebeswerk Foundation in Altötting (SLW). The SLW Foundation originates from the Capuchin Children's Charity. Its main focus is on upbringing, education, care, and protection. At the Altötting center, the SLW Foundation runs a retreat and conference house with an adjoining youth guesthouse. The Franziskushaus in Altötting and the Antoniushaus in Marktl also belong to the network of facilities.
The donations are used to give children and young people, whose families have fallen on hard times, a better future. With the aid of the financial funds it receives, the foundation is tasked with supporting the valuable educational work in child and youth welfare facilities. It is independently active and works exclusively and directly for non-profit and charitable purposes.
For more information about the purpose and services of the foundation, please visit the website:

The Mehr Licht für Kinder Foundation - Our 2019 project!
Help make children happier with your purchase.
The donation from 2019 went to the "Mehr Licht für Kinder Foundation” in the district of Mühldorf. With its donation, preeflow supported disadvantaged juveniles and their families. The "Mehr Licht für Kinder Foundation” provides support and assistance to juveniles in difficult social, health or welfare situations in the district of Mühldorf a. Inn. Among other things, providing support with medical and treatment care, training and continuing education, and support for gifted children, or offering recreational facilities and opportunities to play. The foundation's board of trustees, which is made up of representatives from the church, local politics, and business, decide where the income from the foundation's capital is to be spent.
In our region, too, there are too many children and young people who are disadvantaged for various reasons. But it is in childhood that the course is set for the future. That is why every child must be encouraged and challenged in such a way that he or she can develop his or her personality and talents to the fullest. The "Mehr Licht für Kinder Foundation” provides support and assistance to juveniles and their families in many areas.

WeltKinderLachen - Our 2018 project!
With your purchase hand in hand for children in need.
In 2018 we donated to the WeltKinderLachen Foundation. The non-profit and charitable foundation was founded by Alois Reitberger in Altötting to support disadvantaged children who are dependent on outside help. The family backgrounds of those requiring support are remarkably diverse. They range from a lack of support and hardship, to family tragedies. In the districts of Altötting and Mühldorf, projects and schemes are supported that fulfill the following goals for children: bring happiness - combat child poverty - promote educational opportunities - in harmony with nature.
WeltKinderLachen® helps children in need to find their own way in life. All projects have the goal that every child can be proud of his own successes - in their free time and at school.
Disadvantaged children and young people are supported and integrated into the community. No child should be excluded because of his or her financial situation. Opportunities must be created for children to participate in society.
You can find more information here:

treeflow / 1 Million Trees in Borneo - Our 2017 project!
Your purchase as a benefit for our environment
For every preeflow dispenser sold in 2017, we donated to the Fairventures organization. The Fairventures Worldwide GmbH is a non-profit organization whose headquarters are in Stuttgart. Together with its local partners, they are planting forests on degraded areas in the tropics of Indonesia. By working in cooperation with small, local farmers, the goal is to create an economic alternative to logging and the harmful spread of monocultures. Central Borneo has been the home of the pilot program “1 Million Trees” since 2014 and aims to reforest a total of 1 million trees.
Reforestation of tropical mixed forests, with popular commercial wood, on already degraded areas in the buffer areas of the rainforest, makes a huge contribution to the preservation of the soil, an alternative income for local farmers, CO2 storage and the conservation of existing primary forests.
You can find more information here: